Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

last hurrah

Last weekend we had a "last hurrah" beach weekend and it was fabulous! Patrick and i were lucky enough to get to spend a baby free weekend at Aunt Chris & Uncle Lance's beach house (thank you again!!) Ryan dog-sat for us and Omi & Poppy took Taylor and Caley [thank you thank you!]. It was a really great weekend - with beautiful weather and much needed relaxation! Come noon on Sunday we were feeling refreshed and were admittedly missing the girls, so once we returned to Waterford we took them down to Omi & Poppy's beach which Taylor & Caley both seemed to enjoy. Just like Taylor, Caley loves the sand - no surprise there.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Caley 9 month check-up

17 lbs, 15 oz (25th %ile)
28.25" (between 50-75th %ile)

The doctor called Caley a "hardy baby" haha. He said he meant that she has great muscle tone (i.e. Taylor should watch out because Caley is going to beat her up when she is a little older)


Caley has been putting on an act [for mommy only] pretending that she didn't know how to hold her own bottle. For other people she would hold it no problem, but for me she wouldn't even try to hold it. Pat had even told me to come in to the room while feeding her and immediately upon seeing me she would drop her hands as if she wasn't holding the bottle!

Well... she's been caught and now she can't pretend anymore :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

a fun birthday weekend

Weekend of July 27th & 28th we went to NJ to celebrate Clint's 32nd birthday and my friend Jan's big 30. We had a really great visit! Grandma Cristine kept the girls for Pat and I so that we could go to Jan & Mike's sans babies, which was greatly appreciated and Taylor LOVED it. On sunday we had a family party for Clint and i'm pretty sure Caley had her first taste of ice cream cake... {she didn't love it}